chapter 3 is book called A Hobbit, A Wardrobe, and a Great War its talking about small guy with courage
Watch any of the Hobbit or Lord of the Rings movies and connect the dots between the movie and chapter 3.
Choose any
Chapter 3 talks about courage
What is the main point of chapter 3?
The name of the movie you chose in BOLD so your professor knows the context.
In light of the main point of chapter 3, how did you experience the movie (see Chapter 3
— be specific and provide direct quotes from chapter 3 in BOLD).
• What did you feel as you saw the movie (sad, angry, overwhelmed, inspired, motivated,
etc.—you choose the term that encapsulates how the movie made you feel) and clearly
connect it to what you read in chapter 3. Quote and cite.
• Choose any character (place his or her name in BOLD) and describe what elements of
chapter 3 may have shaped his or her moral character.
Note: Do not write a paragraph. Use a bullet point format using 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 when you
answer each question to make it easy for your peers to unpack.
This summary should not be more than 300 words (one double-spaced page). There is no need
for a title page, but you must quote and cite APA formatting (Author, year, p. #) or (Author, year,
Chapter 3) if you have an electronic version that has no page numbers.
Reference the textbook, but there is no need to reference the movie.
Be sure to maintain proper spelling and grammar.
Do not use any AI such as Grammarly or ChatGPT. This must be your own work
This assignment is due on Wednesday.
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