Troy University Sociology of Aging and Aging Subculture Questions
Question Description
Please be thorough in your responses. Although I am not requiring you to use external sources, if you do, you must cite them using APA formatting (last name of Author, year; p# if you are using exact quotes). If not using external sources, your response material should come from either of the two assigned texts. Be sure to provide the following to identify where your responses are coming from in your text: (Harris, 2007; p#) or if other book (Applewhite, 2019; p#). By providing me with citations, I will be better able to identify which information are your own ideas and opinions and which information is from the text and other external sources. A good response should contain all of the above. Responses receive up to 30 points. Please be detailed and specific.
(1) Using Chapter 5 in Harris, please discuss how socialization occurs through old age. Please discuss the following aging socialization theories; Role Loss, Disengagement Theory, Activity Theory, Continuity Theory, Role Ambiguity and Role Discontinuity. After discussing each, please explain how each theory differs from the others.
(2) Using Chapter 6 in Harris, please explain what is meant by “aging subculture” and what trends are occurring that are favorable for this subculture to emerge. Please discuss the primary groups that everyone including older adults are members of including the functions served. Explain how family, friendship and neighbors may play specific roles in the lives of the elderly.
(3) Using Chapter 7 in Harris, explain what is meant by stratification and the three dimensions described by Max Weber and explain how each of these pertain to the elderly.
(4) Using Chapter 8 in Harris, provide the sociological definition of minority group, and using these characteristics, look at the elderly as a group and explain whether they might fit into the sociological definition. Explain how likewise, gerontologists argue that the elderly constitute a minority group. Do you believe that in some way, the elderly, despite their race or ethnicity might compose a minority group due to their characteristics and/or how they are treated in society? Please explain your answer.
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