Final Paper
Posted on: Monday, November 23, 2020 6:41:51 PM EST
Dear All,
For the final paper pick two countries and compare them on a particular issue relevant to comparative politics. These topics can include:
Parties Comparison
Non-State Actors
Multi-National/Transnational/Global Corporations
National Security
Fiscal Management
Post-Conflict Justice and Inequality
War Crimes Comparisons
Rebellion and Revolution Causes
Corruption Elimination Methods
Political Sovereignty
Volunteering and Social Movements
Migration Crises
Transnational Corporation Legal Disputes
Elections Agenda Analysis
Hostages in Foreign Countries (Negotiation)
Civil War Causes and Peculiarities
Government Repression and Oppression
Social Networks and Protest Movements
Post-War Time Social Movements and Ideologies
Economic Interdependence
Post-Communist Transitions
Political Responses to Climate Change
Conflict Resolution Methods
Liberal Democracy
Election Methods, Principles, and Ethics
Governmental Efforts Coordination
Environmental Management Strategies
Foreign Policies
Presidential versus Parliamentary Democracy
Iron Triangles (e.g., United States and Japan)
Communist Ideologies and their Implementation in Various Countries
Apartheid Phenomena
Human Rights
Party Hierarchies
Recruitment in Developing Countries
However, you may choose to compare two countries on any topic in comparative politics that interests you.
To be successful in this assignment, several features must be evident in the paper:
There is a carefully constructed and thoughtful thesis statement or argument you intend to make stated at the onset of the paper (i.e., it should be discussed in the introductory paragraph of the essay).
There are at least three supporting points that defend the argument or thesis of the paper; these should be expanded upon in three or more paragraphs.
The paper addresses all parts of the question (note that there are usually two parts to the questions listed above).
The paper is 4-8 pages in length (not including title page, works cited/bibliography, etc.); going slightly over the page limit should not detract from the papers quality but writing less will likely impact the grade.
The paper contains at least five scholarly sources (e.g., refereed papers in peer-reviewed journals, scholarly books, etc.) and three popular or non-specialized sources (e.g., newspapers, magazines, etc.) cited in the paper using APA format. Scholarly sources can be found as e-books, as PDFs online, and in search engines such as JSTOR or EBSCO, all of which are available through the Librarys electronic databases and resources.
The final paper should be submitted by email by midnight, Wednesday, December 9, 2020. Please note that the final paper accounts for 25% of the overall grade and that no late submissions whatsoever will be accepted.
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