PHIL101 Value of Philosophy and Meaning of Life Debate Assignment
Write a 3-4 page paper based on the prompt below. Your paper must be double spaced, with ?” margins, andwritten in a standard font (Times New Roman and Calibri, for example). You do not need to conduct research forthis paper. However, if you do use/consult an outside source, you should cite that source using a standardcitation method (Chicago, MLA, etc.). Late papers will receive a 1-letter-grade deduction for each day they arelate.
Choose one of the assigned readings from the files I attached and analyze the main argument from that reading. Thismight be on the limits of knowledge, the existence of God, the philosophy of mind, free will, the meaning of life,or abortion. Once you choose a reading, do the following in your paper:
-Set the stage. What is the larger debate in which the argument is situated? Why is this debateimportant? What is the argument about? What point is it trying to make? Be sure to define and explainkey terms and concepts. For example, you might say, “In ‘In Defense of Mind-Body Dualism,’ Brie Gertlerseeks to show that dualism is true. Dualism is a view in the philosophy of mind which says that . . . Thephilosophy of mind is a sub-discipline in philosophy in which . . .?”
Clearly state the argument (premise by premise and including the conclusion), then explain it in yourown words. Then, give some reasons in support of some of the premises in the argument. That is, youshould answer the following questions: Does the conclusion follow from the premises? What reason isthere for thinking the premises are true?
Respond to the argument you chose. That is, you should answer the following questions: Does theconclusion follow from the premises? What premise(s) seem to you to be false and why. In doing this,do not simply pick a premise and say that it’s false. Give a reasoned explanation for why you think it’sfalse. It’s okay if the reason you give is one that was discussed in class or is found on the lecture slides.However, you should use your own words in giving your explanation.
Give your reasoned opinion of the argument. Do you agree with the argument or not? Do you agreewith the objection to the argument? Why or why not?
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