Project Options
Choose 1 of the following 3 projects. See syllabus schedule/calendar for due date.
option 1)Read a book from the list provided or a management book of your choosing and submit a 4-5 page (double spaced) summary of your findings. Identify the chapters in the text that relate to your management book. Post your final project to the Project link.
Suggest Reading List MNGT 101
(Option 1)
-Corporate Lifecycles: How and Why Corporations Grow and Die and What To Do About It, by Ichak Adizes (Prentice-Hall 1998)
-The Executive Odyssey, by Frederick G. Harmon (John Wiley & Sons, 1989)
-The Greatest Thing in the World, by Henry Drummund (Whitaker House, 1981)
-On Becoming a Leader, by Warren Bennis (Addison Wesley, 1989)
-The Art of War, by Sun Tzu, translated by Thomas Cleary (Shambhala Publications, 1988)
-The One Minute Manager, by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson (Morrow, 1982)
-Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers, by Stephen R. Covey (Simon & Schuster, 1989)
-Leadership is an Art, by Max De Pree (Doubleday, 1989)
-Moments of Truth, by Jan Carizon (Harper & Row, 1989)
-Zapp! The Lighting of Empowerment, by William C. Byham with Jeff Cox (Harmony Books, 1988)
-Changing the Game: The New Way to Sell, by Larry Wilson and Hersch Wilson (Simon & Schuster, 1987)
-Building a Chain of customers, by Richard J. Schonberger (Free Press, 1990)
-Getting to Yes, by Roger Fisher and William L. Ury (Houghton Mifflin, 1981)
-Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind; Marketing Warfare; and Bottom-Up Marketing, by Al Ries and Jack Trout (McGraw-Hill; 1091, 1985, and 1988)
-The Goal, by Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox (North River Press, 1986)
-Deming Management at Work, by Mary Walton (Putnam Publishing, 1991)
-Innovation and Entrepreneurship, by Peter F. Drucker (Harper & Row, 1985)
-The Strategist CEO, by Michel Robert (Greenwood, 1988)
-The Machine that Changed the World, by James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones, and Daniel Roos (Rawson Associates, 1990)
-The March of Folly, by Barbara W. Tuchman (Knopf, 1984)
-Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco, by Bryan Burrough and John Helyar (Harper & Row, 1990)
-The Borderless World, by Kenichi Ohmae (Harper Business, 1990)
-The Heart of a Leader: Insights on the Art of Influence by Ken Blanchard
-A Book of your choice.
option 2)Complete a corporation analysis using annual reports, WSJs, and related articles on a publicly traded company answering the list of questions that is provided. Post your final project to the Project link. Note: If you have an Accounting book, the formulas are in the back of the book. Otherwise, you will need to search online for the formulas.
Corporation Analysis Management 101
(Option 2)
Name: ______________________________ Date: ______________ Section: ________
General Information:
1.Name of corporation
2.State where company is incorporated
3.Name of CEO
4.What is the company’s mission?
Financial Information:(Show Calculations)
1.What is the earnings per share?
Page _______ (Circle figures used)
2.What is the current ratio?
Page _______ (Circle figures used)
3.What is the amount of working capital?
Page _______ (Circle figures used)
4.What is the high price for your stock during the reporting period?
5.What is the low price for your stock during the reporting period?
6.The opening price on my chart is:
7.The closing price on my chart is:
8.The percent of change of closing price over opening price is (+ or -)
9.What is the amount of Net Income?
Page _______ (Circle your answer)
10.What is the amount of cash dividend per share?
Page _______ (Circle your answer)
11.What is the return on equity?
Page _______ (Circle your answer)
Short Essay Questions:
1.What was “said” in the Letter to the Shareholders?
2.What important points were discussed in the Notes To The Financial Statements?
3.What was “said” in the Opinion of the Accountants?
4.What are the company’s plans for the future?
5.Record and graph the price movement of this stock for a period of 20 consecutive business days.
6.Do you feel that the price movement of this stock during the reporting period was dependent or independent of the overall market? Why?
Please submit a copy or a link to the Annual Report with this analysis and any Article links relating to your company or the industry it represents.
Please let me know which option you choose from the two listed above.
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