MBA515 SNHU Mod 7 Intrapreneurial Opportunity In Community Center Paper
Question Description
Intrapreneurial opportunities are a very different path of development for some companies and must be considered as a possibility for any business developmentinitiatives. One assumption here is that the effort is internally driven from within the firm.Prompt: Considering your assessment in Module Six on the capabilities and limitations of your company, identify and assess an intrapreneurial opportunitywithin your company and assess its impact with respect to both the level of effort and resources needed and the potential benefits to the organization. Be sure toconsider the appropriate types of analysis discussed throughout this course.Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a 35-page Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inchmargins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) ValueIntrapreneurialOpportunitiesMeets “Proficient” criteria, andresponse demonstrates keeninsight into relationshipbetween intrapreneurialopportunities, market domainevaluation, and SWOT analysisDevelops list of intrapreneurialopportunities with supportingrationale based on marketdomain evaluation and SWOTanalysisDevelops list of intrapreneurialopportunities, but rationale ismissing or is not based onmarket domain evaluation andSWOT analysisDoes not develop list ofintrapreneurial opportunities40IntrapreneurialAssessmentMeets “Proficient” criteria, andresponse demonstrates keeninsight into relationshipbetween intrapreneurialopportunities, market domainevaluation, and SWOT analysisAccurately assesses viability ofselected intrapreneurialopportunity, supportingresponse with evidence frommarket domain evaluation andSWOT analysisAssesses viability of selectedintrapreneurial opportunity, butwith gaps in accuracy, detail, orsupportDoes not assess viability ofselected intrapreneurialopportunity40Submission Paper meets length andformatting guidelines; writing isprofessional and free of majorgrammatical errorsPaper meets length andformatting guidelines; writing isnot professionalPaper does not meet length andformatting guidelines; writingincludes grammatical errors andis not professional20Earned Total 100%
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