HRM560 Strayer Leading Change With The Effects Of Climate Change
Pay Equity and Benefits” Please respond to the following:
Determine the importance of equal pay between men and women. Then, suggest two (2) valid reasons why their pay may be different for the same position. Justify your response.
Assess the importance of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) when an employer provides benefits of any kind. Classify two (2) pros of an employee using the benefits that the employer provides and at least one (1) con that may be a conflict for an employee using such benefits.
Creating A Guiding Coalition”
Please respond to one (1) of the following:
Read the article titled “Leading Change in Libraries: A Case Study”. Reflect on your academic career thus far. The decision to continue your formal education was a change that you implemented in your personal life. Whom did you place on your list as a guiding coalition and why? (Note: You do not have to list individual names. Substitute names for titles or positions are advised.)
It is important to build a guiding coalition for your change. Review the article titled “Creating Cultural Change in a 115-Year-Old R&D Organization”. How did the organization create a guiding coalition? Think about the change you are developing in your extended project. How will you create a guiding coalition? Who will you need to engage to ensure the change is successful? Why is it important for you to make them a part of your guiding coalition?
Training and Organizational Learning” Please respond to the following:
Give your opinion on the major difference(s) between training and organizational learning. Next, outline a plan to transition an organization with which you are familiar from learning “in” the organization to learning “by” the organization. Defend the core reasons why you believe the plan would be effective.
Create a model to transition an organization through the following four (4) phases of learning: individual, group, intergroup, and finally, ongoing learning. Provide at least one (1) example of the type(s) of learning activities that would occur in each phase of your model.
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