Complete exercise described on page 5 (Martin). Look for online postings for jobs related to Human Resource Management.
Desired Characteristics for the Perfect Candidate: Write desired characteristics for the perfect candidate for this job. Tip: Look beyond the actual written words.
Follow the example on pages 6 7.
Perfect Phrases: Write at least 4 perfect phrases describing the desired characteristics for the perfect candidate for this job. Tip. Follow example on page 8.
Key Words: Find key words and phrases for the position in Human Resource Management. Tip: read pages 9 10. Make a list of key factors for this position. See example on p. 11.
Eight Word Mistakes Candidates Make in Job Interviews: Read pages 16 20. Select 2 mistakes that you have made during an interview and describe how you would correct such mistakes.
Preparing for Follow Up Questions. Read pages 22 24. Describe how you would prepare for follow up interview question.
HR Manager. Think of yourself as the hiring manager for a position in HR. How does this exercise help write job postings?
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