Homework Assessment Sample (how to format Homework Assignments #1-12)
Homework Assessment #1 Example (CORRECT EXAMPLE)
This assessment was about interpersonal communication competence. It evaluated motivation, knowledge and skill of the communicator.
My overall score was 86 which means that I have high level of competency in communicating with others in an interpersonal setting.
Motivation: 22 Knowledge: 26 Skill: 38
These results are not unusual for me because I like to interact with others and am generally a friendly person. I’ve also been told by others that I’m a good communicator because I am able to start and maintain a conversation while also listening to the other person.
For example, it is easy for me to talk to strangers and make friends with them. I also believe that in order to be successful that you need to be a good communicator. Earlier today when I was in class we were told to get into groups and I was able to get everyone in the group talking by sharing my work experience with them.
Use the same format for ALL Homework Assessments (they will all be assessing something different). But, you need to address the same four items:
1. This assessment was about ….
2. My overall score was …
3. These results are …….
4. For example,……..
Here is an INCORRECT SUBMISSION that will receive 0 points (submitting the assessment without analysis). All this person did was copy and paste the assessment without the analysis:
Spitzberg & Cupach’s
Instructions: Answer each item honestly as it currently applies to you in typical conversations with others. Use the following scale:
1 2 3 4 5
strongly slightly unsure slightly strongly
disagree disagree agree agree
5 1. I want to adapt my communication behavior to meet others’ expectations.
3 2. I have enough knowledge and experiences to adapt to others’ expectations.
5 3. I use a wide range of behaviors, including self-disclosure and wit, to adapt to others.
5 4. I want to be involved in the conversations I have with other people.
5 5. I know how to respond because I am perceptive and attentive to others’ behaviors.
3 6. I show my involvement in conversation both nonverbally and verbally.
5 8. I know how to change topics and control the tone of my conversations.
5 9. It is easy for me to manage conversations the way I want them to proceed.
5 10. I want to understand other people’s viewpoints and emotions.
5 11. I know that empathy means to try to see it through their eyes and feel what they feel.
5 show my understanding of others by reflecting their thoughts and feelings to them.
3 13. I am motivated to obtain the conversational goals I set for myself.
3 14. Once I set an interpersonal goal for myself, I know the steps to take to achieve it.
3 15. I successfully achieve my interpersonal goals.
3 16. I want to communicate with others in an appropriate manner.
5 17. I am aware of the rules that guide social behavior.
5 18. I act in ways that meet situational demands for appropriateness.
48 Overall Total
Possible “Overall Total” should range between 18-90.
Higher values indicate more communication competence.
Lower values indicate less communication competence.
This is the assignment
Tolerance for Disagreement Scale (TFD)
Instructions: This questionnaire involves people’s feelings and orientations.
Hence, there are no right or wrong answers. We just want you to indicate your
reaction to each item. All responses are to reflect the degree to which you
believe the item applies to you. Please use the following system to indicate
the degree to which you agree that the item describes you:
5 = Strongly Agree, 4 = Agree, 3 = Undecided, 2 = Disagree, 1 = Strongly
___ 1. It is more fun to be involved in a discussion where there is a lot of
___ 2. I enjoy talking to people with points of view different than mine.
___ 3. I don’t like to be in situations where people are in disagreement.
___ 4. I prefer being in groups where everyone’s beliefs are the same as
___ 5. Disagreements are generally helpful.
___ 6. I prefer to change the topic of discussion when disagreement occurs.
___ 7. I tend to create disagreements in conversations because it serves a
useful purpose.
___ 8. I enjoy arguing with other people about things on which we disagree.
___ 9. I would prefer to work independently rather than to work with other
people and have disagreements.
___10. I would prefer joining a group where no disagreements occur.
___11. I don’t like to disagree with other people.
___12. Given a choice, I would leave a conversation rather than continue a
___13. I avoid talking with people who I think will disagree with me.
___14. I enjoy disagreeing with others.
___15. Disagreement stimulates a conversation and causes me to
communicate more.
Step 1. Add the scores for the following items: 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 14, 15.
Step 2. Add the scores for the following items: 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
Step 3. Complete the following formula: TFD = 48 + total of Step 1 – total of
Step 2.
Scores above 46 indicate High TFD. Scores below 32 indicate Low TFD.
Scores between 32 and 46 indicate moderate TFD.
Teven, J. J., Richmond, V. P., & McCroskey, J. C. (1998). Measuring
tolerance for disagreement. Communication Research Reports, 15, 209-217
Richmond, V. P., & McCroskey, J. C. (2001). Organizational communication
for survival: Making work, work (2nd Ed.) Chapter 14. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
not specified
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