FIN339 Baltimore Business Management and Finance Exam
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Final Examination (May 12 May 16)
The final examination is a Multiple-Choice quiz consisting of 22 questions worth 100 points. I have tried to make problems short and independent so that one wrong answer does not affect the work and answer on the next problem. Spend some time to work out each question. Check your work and numbers at least three times before picking an answer for a question.
Please note that sometimes a question may not show up correctly in a quiz under Tests & Quizzes. I will post a Word copy below (available on 12th May) of the Multiple-choice questions at the bottom of this outline so that you can check the questions in case of any missing data in any question. The exam is not timed. You may print the exam and work on the problems.
Important Note: You must show your detailed complete work in a separate supporting file for problems 1, 13-14, 18 and problems 21-22 (worth 40 points) and submit the file in the Assignments section as you submit the Final Examination multiple-choice quiz. Use the submission file provided below. Note that you are required to show complete work for problem 1 by providing the network and by completing the table as provided in the submission file. Do not copy the questions in this submission. You must type in your work in WORD. To save typing time, as for the homework submissions, you may copy the formulas format from the WORD files that I have provided in the lecture notes (or the homework solutions) and substitute your numbers in it. You must submit the Final Examination multiple-choice quiz with your answers in Sakai to receive any score for the exam. Please note you will get credit for these questions in the final examination if and only if the supporting work in the submitted file is correct. No points will be given for guessing the correct answer.
You are NOT allowed to discuss the examination with anybody within or outside the class. Please be aware that the receiving (or giving) of any unauthorized assistance or obtaining (or providing) unfair advantage in any form of academic work is considered cheating. I am required to report violations to the appropriate University authorities. Any usage of any form of Internet search (including Google, YouTube, etc.) is prohibited for use in the examination. The penalty for plagiarism is an “F” in the course.
The due date for submitting the final examination multiple-choice quiz in Tests & Quizzes and the final examination problems in Assignments is Thursday, May 16th midnight. No extension after this date. No submission by e-mail will be accepted.
Multiple-Choice Questions File
Network for Questions 2 -6
Bill of Material File for Questions 21 22
File Examination Blank Submission File
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