Experiential Learning Assignment: Political Advocacy Project
Points Possible: 15
The purpose of this assignment is to have students investigate a current health issue and serve as an advocate of this health issue within their community. This assignment will include 3 key components, which includes a (1) Policy Brief or Letter, (2) Fact Sheet, and (3) Reflection.
Read Schoon et al. (2019) Chapters 13-14
Review the APHA Advocacy Handbook: http://kpha.us/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/APHA-Legislative-Advocacy-Handbook1.pdf.
Use Policy Map for gathering data to support your request
Instructions/Grading Criteria
Policy Brief: [8 points]
Develop a 1-2 page policy brief or letter that focuses on an important public health issue within your community. This brief or letter will be presented to a decision-making body (school board, city council, county government, state or federal legislature, or other influential committee/body) chosen by the student. This document should include:
1. Introduction [1 point]
· Include a salutation.
· Introduction yourself. Who are you? Remember your expert knowledge and experience.
· What is the public health issue you want action taken on? Why do you care about this issue?
2. Decision-making Body: [1 point]
Identify [for the decision-making body] who the audience is? Explain why this audience would care about the issue.
3. Message: [3 points]
Complete the message triangle [shown below]:
· Develop 3 messages you want to communicate to support your stance on this issue. However, do not include the message triangle image below in your document.
· Define the issue in a way that connects with this audience beliefs/values (key points may differ depending on the audience you are addressing).
· Include supportive evidence, such as personal stories, statistics, and/or research, which you will reference at the end of the brief.
· Present messages in a short, succinct, and logical flow.
4. Final Message: [2 points]
· Clearly state the action you are asking the decision-making body to take.
5. Supporters and Contact Information: [1 point]
· Identify your supporters (partners, main characters) and possible opponents.
· Include a complimentary close and a signature line with your contact information for the reader to follow-up.
Message Triangle Figure adapted from: Gifford, K.M., Sarvary, M.A. (2023). Using the message triangle to distil complex research into a story. In Rowland, S., Kuchel, L. (Eds.), Teaching Science Students to Communicate: A Practical Guide (pp. 325-330). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-91628-2_41
Fact Sheet [5 points]
Develop a brief, 1 – 2 page Fact Sheet that includes information you intend to give to the decision making body for review. This fact sheet should be a quick overview of the policy brief (consider including headers such as Issue, Facts, Recommended Action, and Contact Information). The fact sheet should include:
1. Issue
2. Three messages from the message triangle
3. Recommended action you would like them to take
4. Contact and resource information for the reader to follow-up
5. Information presented in a succinct and attention-getting manner. You are encouraged to include pictures of graphics.
Reflection [2 points]
Provide a brief reflection on your experience. What went well? What did not go so well? What would you do differently next time? Was the decision-making body responsive and/or receptive to your idea?
Assignment Submission
Submit all 3 components of this project in the Assignment dropbox by the specified due date in the course calendar. Please note that this does not have to be submitted in APA format; it should be presented as appropriate for the decision-making body (i.e. business letter, brochure, hand-out, etc.).
Experiential Learning Assignment
Interdisciplinary Team/Collaborative Meeting
Points Possible: 10
The purpose of this activity is to engage in an interdisciplinary team meeting that is addressing a public health need within your community.
1. Read Schoon et al. (2019) Chapter 8
2. Identify an interdisciplinary team [or collaborative meeting] in your community that addresses a public health need in your community (i.e. smoking, alcohol, obesity, wellness, homeless, domestic violence, youth/senior issue, etc.). Please note that this interdisciplinary/collaborative meeting should NOT be a patient specific (case management, discharge planning, etc.) meeting in a healthcare setting (i.e. hospital, clinic).
Instructions/Grading Criteria
1. Contact collaborative member to request attendance at a meeting
2. Attend 1 or more meetings of this collaborative.
3. Obtain a copy of the meeting agenda or take notes at the meeting (point deductions if not submitted).
4. Interview a collaborative member (ideally the team chair or someone in a leadership position) and/or gather information from the collaboratives website or other resources. Include a statement in your paper if you are unable to interview someone.
5. Your paper should include the following:
· Collaboration Overview: (1) Name of Interdisciplinary team/Collaborative; (2) name of contact person within collaborative; (3) length in existence; (4) mission and goals of collaborative; (5) how does this collaborative promote its mission to the community; and (6) who are the members (partners)? Not individual names but entities they represent (i.e. nurses, police officers, community members, etc.)
· Public Health Issues: What are the public health issues addressed by this collaborative? Identify the target population for this collaborative (who is affected by this public health issue with your community).
· Collaborative Planning: Do they use evidence-based, credible sources for program planning? What data has been collected by the collaborative to assist in planning activities/interventions? What additional data do they/you feel would be useful? What are the barriers to collecting this data?
· Partners: How does this team promote buy-in from partners? Identify the buy-in needed from partners for this interdisciplinary team/collaborative to be successful.
· Collaborative Outcomes: Identify past accomplishments of the team.
· Reflection:
· As a community member, do you feel this collaboration is well received by the community? How do you know this to be true?
· Identify a partner that you believe could enhance the work of this collaboration.
· Identify additional ways that the mission and goals of this collaboration could be promoted in the community.
· Identify the role nursing does/could bring to this collaboration?
Assignment Submission
Submit an APA formatted paper in the D2L assignment dropbox by the due date specified in the course calendar. Please use the above bolded assignment criteria for paper headers.
You must also submit collaborative agenda (or if not available submit your meeting notes)
Experiential Learning Assignment
Interview of Public Health Nurse, School Nurse, Parish Nurse,
Occupational Health Nurse, or Correctional Health Nurse
Points Possible: 10
The purposes of this assignment are for students to interview a nurse who works in the community, to better understand the roles, functions and leadership attributes of nurses who practice in schools, faith communities, work sites, or public health agencies. Students will develop a broader understanding of the scope of practice of professional nursing at all three levels of practice across the prevention continuum.
Contact a school nurse, public health nurse, parish [faith] nurse, occupational, or correctional health nurse to schedule an interview. Be clear in your first contact on what your intentions are, which include: (1) you are a BS in Nursing student in a public health course, and (2) would like to better understand the role of nurses who practice within a community-setting.
1. The following are suggestions for finding a nurse to interview:
· Licensed School Nurse (LSN)
Contact school nurse in your community
Conduct web search for district health services
· Faith Community Nurse (Parish Nurses; FCN)
Contact your faith community administration
· https://www.fcnntc.org/resources/fcn-coordinator-directory/
· Public Health Nurses (PHN)
Contact county public health agency in your community
· Occupational Health Nurse (OHN)
Contact local business such as a meat packing plant, factories, etc
· Correctional Health Nurse (CHN)
Contact a local jail, detention facility, or prison
1. Read Schoon et al. (2019) Chapters 2 & 11
2. Visit Websites for information about your clinical site and nursing practice:
· If visiting with a school nurse, go to the websites:
· National Association of School Nurses (NASN), https://www.nasn.org/home
· Minnesota School Nursing Association (SNOM), https://www.minnesotaschoolnurses.org/
· If visiting a faith community nurse, go to the website:
· The Health Ministries Association, https://hmassoc.org/
· Faith Community Nurse Network of the Greater Twin Cities, https://www.fcnntc.org/
· If visiting a public health nurse, go to the website:
· American Public Health Association (APHA),
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