ENGLISH2206 Week 1 Social Commentary Oroonoko and A Modest Proposal Paper
While I’ll give you more specific topics for your exams, I’m goingto leave these weekly discussion postings rather broad in the hopes that you’lladdress whatever is interesting to you in the texts we read. Some weeks Imay generally suggest you look more at a theme or symbol, and in other weeks Imay ask you to focus on things like characterization. How you choose tofocus things more specifically or what you would choose to focus on would be upto you.
Keep in mind that your initial post needs to be at least 250 wordsin length (you may want to type it in a word processing program to keep trackof the word count and then paste things over), and the initial post should beposted before Friday at midnight (Central Time) of each week. I know thatyou’re often working folks and that can be a difficult deadline, so I’m open toan occasional week when you might be a bit off, provided you give me advancenotice. Otherwise, I am firm on that deadline, only because you need towrite classmate responses, and it doesn’t work for all students if everyone islogging in at 10 p.m. (or later!) on Sunday night to meet the weeklydeadline. You do need to also respond to two classmate postings eachweek, with a minimum of 50 words for each of those postings, by Sunday atmidnight. I can only post one deadline in Canvas, so the Sunday one iswhat you’ll see even though we work on a Friday/Sunday schedule each week.
Because some students have plagiarized from other students in thepast, you won’t be able to see your classmates’ postings until you’ve made yourown original post. If that causes any of you anxiety because you’rewondering if you’re on the right track with your comments, I’m happy to reviewthings via email if you’d like some reassurance.
Also, this should hopefully be obvious, but please try and berespectful of your classmates. I love to see some debate or differingopinions, as it shows you’re actually engaging with the texts, but I do wantpeople to be respectful and polite and will intervene accordingly if necessary.
I won’t weigh in heavily during the week on these, as I’d likethese to be your own interactions, and I find if I post that students then tendto read my comments as the “right” reading and won’t always posttheir own original perspectives. I will weigh in while grading regardingideas I think are particularly strong or which are weaker and need moredevelopment.
And finally. . . your topic for Week#1: Oroonoko and”A Modest Proposal” both contain social commentary for theirtime. Based on your reading, what’s the most important theme or idea totake away from the texts? You do need at least one specific example fromeach text. It doesn’t need to be the same focus for the twoyou canfocus on two different themes or ideas. But what overarching idea orideas are Behn and Swift focusing on?
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