ENG1300 SOUTH Week 3 The Glass Menagerie Character Analysis
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Drama Analysis
By the due date assigned, submit your analytical essay as a Microsoft Word attachment.
Your instructor will assign a play for the class to read and will post the information as a Week 3 Announcement (i.e., The Glass Menagerie, A Doll’s House, or Trifles).
Select one of the topics from the list below. Use the questions to develop a short essay of at least three paragraphs and 500 words. In your response, be sure that you have the following: an introductory paragraph with a clear thesis, at least one body paragraph with supporting reasons, examples, and quotations from the play, and a concluding paragraph. Use APA style for formatting the paper and for in-text citations and end references.
(Choose either Character, Symbol, or Theme)
Select one character from the play. What does he or she want? What is the conflict this character encounters? How does he or she attempt to get this desire? What prevents him or her from achieving it? What is the resolution by the end of the play for this character?
Select one symbol from the play. What is the meaning or significance of the symbol? How is it used to further the story? How does it help the audience to better understand the characters or message of the play?
Select one theme from the play. How would you describe the message that is conveyed? How is the theme expressed in the play? Give examples. How does the theme giving meaning to the drama for the audience?
Use APA style, and include a title page, running header, proper font and spacing, in-text citations, and a separate references page.
Do not use any outside sources to complete this response; rely on your own insights.
Quoted material from the play should not exceed 25% of the essay.
You may exceed the minimum word and paragraph count.
“The Glass Menagerie” is what I am writing on!!! Below is everything you need including the reference”¦
Title 1: The Literature Collection
Author: X. J. Kennedy; Dana Gioia
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2013-01-01
Publisher: Longman Publishing Group
ISBN: 9780205900343
Title 2: The New Century Handbook
Author: Christine A. Hult; Thomas N. Huckin
Edition: 5
Publisher: Longman Publishing Group
ISBN: 9780205744121
Material Requirements None listed
Complete the following readings early in the week:
Week 1 online lectures
From your textbook, The Literature Collection: An E-Text:
From Chapter 13, read: Reading a Poem and Poetry or Verse
From Chapter 16, read: Saying and Suggesting and Denotation and Connotation
From Chapter 17, read: Imagery and Thinking About Imagery
Read the Following Poems (Used in Weeks 1 and 2):
Blake, “The Chimney Sweeper” (p. 239)
Bradstreet, “To My Dear and Loving Husband” (p. 658)
Brooks, “We Real Cool” (p. 387)
Browning, “How Do I Love Thee” (p. 662)
Burns, “Oh, My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose” (p. 339)
Cullen, “For a Lady I Know” (p. 212)
Cummings, “In Just-” (p. 458)
Cummings, “Somewhere I Have Never Travelled” (p. 684)
Dickinson, “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” (p. 593)
Dickinson, “This is My Letter to the World” (p. 591)
Donne, “Death Be Not Proud” (p. 689)
Dunbar, “We Wear the Mask” (p. 574)
Frost, “Desert Places” (p. 380)
Frost, “Mending Wall” (p. 704)
Heaney, “Digging” (p. 715)
Herrick, “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time” (p. 721)
Hopkins, “Spring and Fall” (p. 724)
Hughes, “Theme for English B” (p. 613)
Jarrell, “The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner” (p. 730)
Komunyakaa, “Facing It” (p. 521)
MacLeish, “Ars Poetica” (p. 579)
Marlowe, “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” (p. 749)
Neruda, “Muchos Somos” (p. 548)
Owen, “Futility” (p. 768)
Plath, “Daddy” (p. 770)
Pound, “The River Merchant’s Wife: A Letter” (p. 778)
Roethke, “My Papa’s Waltz” (p. 211)
Shakespeare, “My Mistress’ Eyes Are Nothing Like the Sun” (p. 793)
Smith, “Not Waving but Drowning” (p. 311)
Stevens, “Anecdote of the Jar” (p. 487)
Williams, “This is Just to Say” (p. 248)
Wordsworth, “The World is too much with us” (p. 493)
Yeats, “The Second Coming” (p. 500)
Yeats, “When You are Old” (p. 838)
Complete these assignments:
Discussion Assignment: Imagery in Poetry
Weekly Writing Assignment: Poetry Analysis Essay Rough Draft
Knowledge Check
Reading and Interpreting Poetry
Writing Essays about Literature
Avoiding Plagiarism with APA Style Citations
Week 2
Complete the following readings early in the week:
Week 2 online lectures
From your textbook, The Literature Collection: An E-Text:
From Chapter 15, read: Words, Literal Meaning: What a Poem Says First, Diction, and The Value of a Dictionary
From Chapter 18, read: Figures of Speech and Metaphor and Simile
From Chapter 24, read: Symbol, The Meani
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