In this laboratory, you will explore plane waves and wave propagation characteristics in 3-dimensional space.The lab guides you through concepts such as plane waves in unbounded media, properties of plane waves in bothinsulating materials, reflection/transmission of waves at planar boundaries between different materials, and waveprogration in a bounded media such as a transmission line. Understanding wave propagation in bounded andunbounded media is crucial to understanding wireless systems such as mobile communication systems, WiFi, radars,etc.
In the prelab, you will review concepts learned in coursework by calculating the electric field of a plane wave infree space and at the boundary of a dielectric material. In the lab experience, you will use MATLAB as a softwaretool for solving electromagnetic-wave based problems. You will use MATLAB to simulate the questions in the prelaband compare the solutions with your hand-calculated results. Finally, you will be presented with the correspondingvisualization in 3D space of the electric and magnetic field for a plane wave in free space, in the presence of a dielectricmaterial (i.e. transmission and reflection) and inside a transmission line (i.e. coaxial cable).
see the template
and the exp the last page
Laboratory Report (this what i need) in (Template.doc) format.
Prepare a short-written report that includes:1. A one-paragraph description of the laboratory assignment.2. Summarize all the results in the “Observations” tables.3. Screen shots of your plots from Parts II, III, and IV with comments explaining the plots for full credit.4. Two suggestions to improve the laboratory experience.
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