Criteria Ratings Points
Analyzes the Material
35 to >30.0 pts
All elements of the assigned topic are clearly and completely addressed in light of applicable page limits/presentation length limits (57 pages or 1012 minutes of student-spoken audio). Analyses flow in a logical and effective manner, address all elements of the assignment thoroughly and reach the nuances of the issues raised. Complex issues are navigated with precision, clarity and detail.
30 to >20.0 pts
Major elements of the assigned topic are discussed in a meaningful way but the paper/presentation would benefit from additional clarity, depth, or detail. Analyses are generally well constructed. Complex issues are recognized.
20 to >0.0 pts
Some elements of the assigned topic are mentioned but the discussion is incomplete, unclear, superficial, too general or otherwise does not meet expectations. Analyses are general and lacking in depth. Complex issues and nuances are overlooked.
0 pts
Not Present
Assigned elements are not discussed.
35 pts
35 to >30.0 pts
The paper/presentation is focused and well organized. The paper/presentation has a clear thesis, and a clear and substantive introduction and conclusion. The paper/presentation effectively uses headings and subheadings as appropriate to focus and deepen analyses.
30 to >20.0 pts
The paper/presentation is reasonably well organized and follows a logical path from idea to idea and section to section. The paper/presentation includes an adequate introduction and conclusion.
20 to >0.0 pts
The paper/presentation is in need of additional organization and clarity. Ideas and/or sections of the paper/presentation either do not flow logically or are in need of fundamental improvement. The paper is lacking an adequate introduction and/or conclusion.
0 pts
Not Present
The paper/presentation lacks meaningful organization and the paper lacks and introduction and conclusion.
35 pts
Research Paper or Presentation: Final Grading Rubric | PSCI600_D01_202130
Criteria Ratings Points
Evaluation, Synthesis and Adequate use of Sources
35 to >30.0 pts
Sources, concepts and ideas are evaluated critically and synthesized in a manner that moves beyond restatement and makes a valuable contribution to the assigned topic.
30 to >20.0 pts
Sources are used correctly and support the papers analyses and conclusions. Concepts and ideas are understood and linked in a reasonable way that supports the papers conclusions. Paper reflects a good familiarity with the major ideas but would benefit from greater critical evaluation and syntheses.
20 to >0.0 pts
Some sources are used but not critically evaluated and/or not used in an effective manner. Paper/presentation would benefit from more substantive use of sources, more appropriate reliance on sources, and/or better skill in evaluating, synthesizing or applying ideas, concepts, or sources.
0 pts
Not Present
Sources are not used; Ideas and concepts from sources are not evaluated or synthesized.
35 pts
15 to >13.0 pts
No grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors are present. Voice and person are used correctly and consistently. Writing/oral presentation is precise. Word choice is appropriate.
13 to >8.0 pts
Few grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors are present. Voice and person are used correctly. Writing style/oral presentation is sufficient. Word choice is adequate.
8 to >0.0 pts
Several grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors are present. Voice and person are used inconsistently. Writing style / oral presentation is understandable but could be improved. Word choice is generally good.
0 pts
Not Present
Numerous spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors are present. Voice and person are misused. Writing style / oral presentation is difficult to understand. Word choice is poor.
15 pts
Research Paper or Presentation: Final Grading Rubric | PSCI600_D01_202130
Criteria Ratings Points
Turabian Format Elements
15 to >13.0 pts
Citations and format are in current Turabian style. Title page, reference page, etc. are correctly formatted. Paper is double-spaced with 1-inch margins and written in 12 point Times New Roman font. If a presentation rather than a paper is chosen, the presentation is properly formatted and of high quality.
13 to >8.0 pts
Citations and format are in current Turabian style with few errors. Title page, reference page, etc. are present with few errors. Paper is double-spaced with 1-inch margins and written in 12 point Times New Roman font. If a presentation rather than a paper is chosen, the presentation is properly formatted and of acceptable quality.
8 to >0.0 pts
Citations and format are in current Turabian style though several errors are present. Title page, reference page, etc. are included though several errors are present. Paper is double-spaced, but margins or fonts are incorrect / Presentation is acceptably formatted.
0 pts
Not Present
Citations are not formatted correctly. Title page, reference page, etc. are not included or not formatted correctly. Paper is not double-spaced, margins are incorrect, or font is incorrect / Presentation is not properly formatted.
15 pts
Research Elements
15 to >13.0 pts
High quality primary and secondary sources are utilized in a mature and effective manner. Research effectively incorporates multiple nuanced viewpoints of complex issues. Adequate number of sources (at least 3) are used. Complete and accurate bibliography is provided. Arguments are correctly and effectively supported with research.
13 to >8.0 pts
Primary and secondary sources of acceptable and appropriate nature and quality are utilized. Research reflects multiple viewpoints of complex issues. Adequate number of sources (at least 3) are used. A complete and accurate bibliography is provided. Arguments are acceptably supported with research.
8 to >0.0 pts
Fewer than the requisite number of required primary and secondary sources of acceptable and appropriate nature and quality are utilized. Research does not reflect multiple viewpoints of complex issues. An incomplete or inaccurate bibliography is provided. Arguments are tangentially supported with research. Arguments incorporate research but often include or rely upon personal opinion without appropriate support. Sources are, at times, not used appropriately.
0 pts
Not Present
Appropriate sources are not used or sources are lacking entirely. Arguments are not supported with research. Opposing viewpoints are dismissed or ignored. Bibliography is incomplete or missing.
15 pts
Total Points: 150
Research Paper or Presentation: Final Grading Rubric | PSCI600_D01_202130
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