Criminal Justice Statistics: Lab 4
CRJS-3020-01 | Points: 30
Assignment Objectives
To assess your knowledge of concepts covered in the class text and lectures, as well as your practical knowledge using SPSS. Use the Intercity Youth Homicide Dataset, Codebook, and User Guide to answer the below questions.
Course Materials Covered
Correlation, Bivariate Regression
1. (7 points). You want to determine whether there is a significant relationship between the robbery rates for young adults (RA_ATR) and the density of establishments that sell alcohol (ALCDEN1) in a jurisdiction and you would like to know the strength of that relationship.
a. Visualize each variable as a graph/chart using best practices. Insert the graph/chart into this document. Also, visualize the bivariate relationship between the two variables.
b. State your hypotheses.
c. If appropriate, check whether your dependent and/or independent variables are normally distributed and explain why they are, or are not, normally distributed.
d. Run the appropriate test, and report the correct results (do not copy and paste results).
e. Finally, interpret your results. What is your explanation for the results you found?
2. (7 points). You want to determine whether there is a significant relationship between the number of juvenile homicides (JUVHOM1I) and the number of gang homicides (GANGHOM1) in a jurisdiction and you would like to know the strength of that relationship.
a. Visualize each variable as a graph/chart using best practices. Insert the graph/chart into this document. Also, visualize the bivariate relationship between the two variables.
b. State your hypotheses.
c. If appropriate, check whether your dependent and/or independent variables are normally distributed and explain why they are, or are not, normally distributed.
d. Run the appropriate test, and report the correct results (do not copy and paste results).
e. Finally, interpret your results. What is your explanation for the results you found?
3. (7 points). For the year 2006, you want to determine the percent of owner occupied households (OWNOCC) has a significant impact on the juvenile robbery rates (RA_JTR) in a jurisdiction and how changes in the percent of owner occupied household changes the expected juvenile robbery rates.
a. Visualize each variable as a graph/chart using best practices. Insert the graph/chart into this document. Also, visualize the bivariate relationship between the two variables.
b. State your hypotheses.
c. If appropriate, check whether your dependent and/or independent variables are normally distributed and explain why they are, or are not, normally distributed.
d. Run the appropriate test, and report the correct results (do not copy and paste results).
e. Finally, interpret your results. What is your explanation for the results you found?
4. (7 points). You want to determine the percent of unemployed in a community (UNEMP) has a significant impact on the number of homicides (HOM) and how changes in the percent of unemployed change the number of expected homicides.
a. Visualize each variable as a graph/chart using best practices. Insert the graph/chart into this document. Also, visualize the bivariate relationship between the two variables.
b. State your hypotheses.
c. If appropriate, check whether your dependent and/or independent variables are normally distributed and explain why they are, or are not, normally distributed.
d. Run the appropriate test, and report the correct results (do not copy and paste results).
e. Finally, interpret your results. What is your explanation for the results you found?
IMPORTANT: (2 points) Submit your SPSS output and data files along with this document.
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