Thomas Bischoff
18 October
COMM 2500
Annotated Bibliography: Turning Points in Cross-sex Friendships
Altmann, T., & Roth, M. (2020). Individual differences in the preference for cross-sex
friendship (heterosociality) concerning personality. Personality and Individual
Differences, 157, 109838.
The research by Altmann and Roth (2020) was based on the concept of cross-sex friendship
or heterosociality amongst heterosexuals and how different personality traits play a role in
forming such a relationship, thus recognizing the respective choice of the opposite sex and
focusing on the characteristics of the individual. Altmann & Roth (2020) practice explanatory
research by depicting the link between different personality traits and cross-sex friendship, and
this research does not address whether it’s about correlation and Connection. The study was
intended to consist of the essential characteristics of a person that can be the explanatory
variables for choosing opposite-sex friends. Henceforth, this research proposes to explain the
turning points in cross-sex friendship where it moves towards romantic relations. This research
by Altmann & Roth (2020) can be considered a strong base for my research and is a turning
point in cross-sex companies. The study consists of some restrictions; specifically, studying the
intervening of other explanations for an opposite-sex friend will be the purpose of additional
Clark, K., Fletcher, J. B., Holloway, I. W., & Reback, C. J. (2018). Structural Inequities
and Social Networks Impact Hormone Use and Misuse among Transgender
Women in Los Angeles County. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47(4), 953–962.
The study “Structural Inequities and Social Networks Impact Hormone Use and Misuse
among Transgender Women in Los Angeles County California” by Clark et al., published in
2018, investigates how social networks and structural inequalities within Los Angeles County,
California, affect hormone usage in transgender women. The study uses qualitative interviews
and quantitative analysis to understand how powerfully social connections and structural
inequalities in Los Angeles affect transgender individuals’ decisions regarding whether they use
hormones. The author, after illustrating how social networks influence hormone use among
transgender individuals, recognizes the challenge they face in making informed decisions about
their bodies. This Connection to my research on Turning Points in Cross-Sex Friendships
underscores the issue’s complexity. Finally, the study has great value as the authors seriously
consider the intersection of individual decision-making and the influence of social networks
embedded in larger social forces. Admittedly, his survey has several limitations as it is based on
the transgender population in Los Angeles County.
Gilchrist-Petty, E., & Bennett, L. K. (2019). Cross-Sex Best Friendships and the
Experience and Expression of Jealousy within Romantic Relationships. Journal of
Relationships Research, 10.
Gilchrist-Petty and Bennett (2019) conducted a thorough research article on opposite-sex
best friendships and their impact on romantic relationships. The qualitative research method
determined how the best opposite-sex company makes the person’s other half jealous. The study
proves that jealousy is usually not a positive emotion felt during a relationship, but the research
finds a way to distinguish between the two. This research is relevant to my Turning Points in
Cross-sex Friendships paper as it provides a better understanding of more research on emotions,
feelings, and how relationships look in these situations. However, the study is severely limited in
its scope and does not include any research in cultural contexts other than that of the United
States; including a spectrum of cultural settings would vastly increase the applicability of their
Toft, A., & Yip, A. K.-T. (2017). Intimacy negotiated: The management of relationships
and the construction of personal communities in the lives of bisexual women and
men. Sexualities, 21(1-2), 233–250.
This qualitative study explores by what means both (self-identified) bisexual men and
women manage and engage with intimacy through relationships and their communities. Using
open-ended intensive interviews, Toft and Yip’s examination of intimacy sheds light on the
diverse sexual orientations that people encounter along with and within the adaptability and
fluidity of relationships and emotional connections. Toft and Yip (2017) aim to fully explore
through this work just what it is to be a bisexual male or female and as it relates to assessing
one’s degrees of self-disclosure and telling stories. This study parallels the ideas I will examine
in my research in that it will give ideas on emotional connections based on cross-sex friendships.
The study’s focus on bisexuality might limit its applicability, emphasizing the need to explore
various sexual orientations within cross-sex companies further.
Weger, H., Cole, M., & Akbulut, V. (2018). Relationship maintenance across platonic and
non-platonic cross-sex friendships in emerging adults. The Journal of Social
Psychology, 159(1), 15–29.
In a comprehensive study, Weger et al. (2018) examine relationships through cross-sex
friendships of emerging adults, observing how they manage their relationships. The primary
purpose of the investigation is to see how individuals continue their relationships with opposite
genders as platonic or non-platonic friends in their lives. In the study, a survey is taken from
several people. Later on in the study, interviews are taken from some people. The experiment
results reveal the tactics used to keep the relationship in the spiritual sense through nurturing,
validation, and love, while the tactics used to keep the commitment non-platonic are through
boundaries and limits. This article is essential to my research because it gives me an advantage in
understanding the structure of cross-sex friendly relationships. I can see the progress in
friendships and love relationships. I am in a further read to associate friendships with love
relationships. It is also helpful because it can give me ideas on what are good turning points and
what are bad turning points in both friendship nature and love nature. The study has limitations
as it focuses primarily on emerging adults, which might not fully capture the experiences of
individuals across different age groups. In future research studies, it would be good to know how
different ages can react to this study to see the similarities and differences.
Wilson, & Jamison. (2019). Perceptions of Same-Sex and Cross-Sex Peers: Behavioral
Correlates of Perceived Coolness During Middle Childhood. Merrill-Palmer
Quarterly, 65(1), 1.
In their most recent 2019 study, Wilson and Jamison examined middle-childhood peer
relationships in detail. More specifically, they devoted their time to studying how children
perceive same-sex and cross-sex peers. Employing a behavioral approach, the researchers took
an interest in the “coolness” factor of children’s perspective of other children and the reading
habits of other children. By deliberate observation and examination of elementary kids, the
researchers disentangled the favorable characteristics of friendships related to coolness, no
matter the person’s sex. These findings provide an enlightened understanding of peer dynamics
in middle childhood, a foundation helpful for exploring shifting dynamics in cross-sex
friendships. The discovery is most beneficial for my research concerning my new project about
turning points in cross-sex companies in a way that provides a good understanding of this
complex matter of peer relationships. The limitation of the study, however, is that it focuses on
middle childhood, and that may be a reason for the direction of further research to examine these
findings in other age groups.
Altmann, T., & Roth, M. (2020). Individual differences in the preference for cross-sex
friendship (heterosociality) in relation to personality. Personality and Individual
Differences, 157, 109838.
Clark, K., Fletcher, J. B., Holloway, I. W., & Reback, C. J. (2018). Structural Inequities and
Social Networks Impact Hormone Use and Misuse among Transgender Women in
Los Angeles County. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47(4), 953–962.
Gilchrist-Petty, E., & Bennett, L. K. (2019). Cross-Sex Best Friendships and the
Experience and Expression of Jealousy within Romantic Relationships. Journal of
Relationships Research, 10.
Toft, A., & Yip, A. K.-T. (2017). Intimacy negotiated: The management of relationships
and the construction of personal communities in the lives of bisexual women and
men. Sexualities, 21(1-2), 233–250.
Weger, H., Cole, M., & Akbulut, V. (2018). Relationship maintenance across platonic and
non-platonic cross-sex friendships in emerging adults. The Journal of Social
Psychology, 159(1), 15–29.
Wilson, & Jamison. (2019). Perceptions of Same-Sex and Cross-Sex Peers: Behavioral
Correlates of Perceived Coolness During Middle Childhood. Merrill-Palmer
Quarterly, 65(1), 1.
Turning points in Cross-sex Friendship
Use the graph below to mark turning points in your relationship with your cross-sex friend across your FIRST year of friendship. A turning point is a memorable event
or experience that impacts the nature of your relationship or how you feel about the person/relationship.
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Begin by marking the level of closeness you felt toward your friend when the relationship first started. Closeness is defined here as a sense of
connection, awareness of
the other’s feelings/concerns, and your involvement in the relationship. Use the scale of O to IO with O being a complete Jack of closeness and
IO being extremely high
closeness. Mark this by putting an X on the vertical axis of the graph marked closeness.
Next, mark the level of closeness you felt six months into the relationship. Mark an X above the point on the graph marked 6 months.
Now. at the end of the line for Time, make an X that indicates the level of closeness you felt at the end of one year of friendship.
Finally, go back and plot in each event or experience that could be considered a turning point in the relationshii>-a memorable event or experience that impacted the
relationship. Make an X for each event that shows where it would be rated in terms of closeness, and then label each event with a brief description of the event or
experience. Please identify at least three events-other than the ones listed above-that occurred during the first year that had some impact on the relationship.
Turning points in Cross-sex Friendship
Use the graph below to mark turning points in your relationship with your cross-sex friend across your FIRST year of friendship. A turning point is a memorable event
or experience that impacts the nature of your relationship or how you feel about the person/relationship.
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