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Com reflection

Com reflection

Word Count Minimum: 600 words
In a separate document (MS Word, Google Docs, etc.), please write your responses to the following prompts in full sentences, starting a new paragraph for each prompt. You should write at least 6-8 sentences in response to each prompt.
Be thoughtful in your responses and draw on personal examples and illustrations. Worry less about writing a “right answer” and more about discussing your own thoughts and opinions based on what you learned this semester. You will be graded according to the rubric provided below.
Do not use bullet points or number the paragraphs. Format like a regular paragraph essay and include your name somewhere at the top. Review the Tips for the Final Reflection page for pointers
You are not required to cite outside sources for your reflection. But, if you decide to include information or quotes from an outside source, you must provide a citation in APA Style.
Final Reflection Prompts:

How has what you learned in this course challenged your perception of research? What will be different about your approach to your next research project? What have you learned in this course that you can apply next semester?

Remember from Week 2 and Week 3: as information creators, authors must consider the purpose of various formats when they are deciding how to disseminate information they have created. Consider this scenario – Imagine you are a university researcher who just completed a project. You want to share what you learned with your colleagues and fellow researchers to fuel more research. But you also recognize that your results are important for the general public to understand.How will you disseminate your information? What formats will you choose (probably more than one)? Why would you choose them?

How does context affect the level of authority we assign to authors and information creators? How is authority constructed and contextual? For example, consider this question: would you let a PhD Doctor of Psychology operate on your ruptured appendix? Why not?

Part 2

Choose one of the websites below to evaluate. Use the worksheet provided to progress through the CAARP questions, giving details and thinking critically about the implications.
Choose one:

Alliance For Natural Health USA
Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division:

Medieval Court Artists:

Cicada Mania:

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