Cape Breton University Transformational Leadership Discussion
Question Description
Questions for the Discussion Board
1. Randy Dobbs continues his book with the themes Win Them Over Communicate, Communicate, Communicate, and Vision to Reality”¦Never Ending Communication. Briefly summarize these chapters and their contribution to your thinking as a leader.
2. The article Innovation: The Classic Traps, leadership theorist Rosabeth Moss Kanter discusses the role of failure of ideas in the innovation process. Briefly summarize this concept,and reflect on your organizations response to failed initiatives. ARTICLE:”¦
3. The article Assess an Opportunity’s Potential asks 4 important questions in the innovation process: How do we assess a strategy’s potential?, How do we find out and understand what customers want?, How do we know that disruptive beginnings will lead to disruptive ends? and How do we see what’s next? After reading these articles, discuss how this might inform our thinking on innovation in your company. Are there any “big ideas” you will use to move your thinking forward in this area?
4. In chapter 3, Daniel Pink describes how the Internet has change the power relationship in negotiations for most commercial items today. Briefly describe an incident from your life that has exemplified this concept.
Write 2-3 pages (500-750 words) and submit your essay to the Discussion Board in APA format.
Dobbs, R. (2010). Transformational leadership: A blueprint for real organizational change. Marion, MI: Parkhurst Brothers. ISBN-13: 978-0983080602
Harvard Business Review (2013). HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Innovation. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press. ISBN-13: 978-1422189856
Pink, D. (2013). To sell is human: the surprising truth about moving others. New York: Riverhead Books. ISBN-13: 978-1594631900
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