SLP Assignment Expectations
In this course, you will be working on a Session Long Project knownas the SLP. Each Module, you will be tasked with completing a portion ofthe overall project. In this Session Long Project, you will focus on anindustry that interests you for the duration of the course. You willuse IBISWorld to gather your information.
Accessing IBISWorld:
Click “Additional Library Resources” on the Portal Home Page which takes you to the “Additional Library resources” screen.
Scroll down and click on “IBISWorld” which will take you to the IBISWorld Home Page.
Your journey into a selected industry begins by clicking on the first listing in the gray-shaded box, US Industry Reports (NAICS).
Once you’re in the Reports screen, you’ll see analphabetized listing of major industries. Each listing has a number inparenthesis behind it. This tells you the number of different areas thatyou can choose from. You can access those areas by either clickingdirectly on the Industry or by going to the next box below the Industrylistings. For example; let’s look at the very first one under “BrowseReports”, Accommodation and Food Services (13). We can eitherclick on it which brings you to another alphabetized listing showingspecific types of accommodation and food services in the US. Or just goto the box and look at the areas under Accommodation and Food Services. Let’s use the box and look at the very first one, Report number 72111 Hotels and Motels.
As you can see, a long page full of information pops up. The best wayto start your research is to view the video by clicking on the old-timemovie camera icon to the right of the industry definition. This givesyou a brief overview of all the information available on the page. Onceyou’ve viewed the video, work your way down the page to get familiarwith all the different areas. You’ll see that there are eight topicareas, each of which has specific sub-areas. These topic areas are:Industry Definition; The Supply Chain; Major Players; Main Activities;Similar Industries; Additional Resources; Industry Jargon; Glossary. Itis from these sub-areas that much of your data for this SLP andsubsequent assignments will come from.
Select an Industry Report that looks interesting to you.
Thoroughly review the Report Snapshot and use MS Word to type-up a1 page paper highlighting the key factors regarding the Industry.Please review the following MS Word Presentation: Introduction to MSWord Presentation:
Please describe the industry you are reviewing and why it is of interest to you.
Add the Industry definition.
Discuss components of The Supply Chain such as: Supply Industries,Related Industries, Key Economic Drivers, Demand Industries, RelatedInternational Industries, etc.
Discuss the Major players and the Main Activities.
Use the “Industry at a Glance” tab to discuss Key StatisticsSnapshot such as: Revenue, Profit, Annual Growth, Wages, and Businesses.
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