This exam has a total of 12 points. Each point corresponds to a numbered question. The numbered question is to be answered. The correct answer to a numbered question will give you one point. If the answer is partially correct, partial credit will be given as a decimal value. If the answer is incorrect, no credit will be given. If the question is unanswered, no credit will be given so it is better to guess than to leave a question blank. The number of points earned will be divided by the total number of points on the exam and multiplied by 100 to get your grade. Good luck!
What does PKC? do to ATF2? (1 point)
What does PKC? do in general in big picture? (1 point)
In the background section the authors wrote “Our data support the hypothesis that PKC? phosphorylation regulates ATF2 subcellular translocation and neurodegeneration after cerebral ischemia.” Is this a null hypothesis or an alternate/alternative hypothesis? (1 point)
What one word in the quote of question 3 is evidence that your answer to question 3 is correct? (1 point)
Why did you choose the word that you chose for question 4? (1 point)
In the PKC? phosphorylation of ATF2 at Thr-52 in hippocampus section of the results section the authors wrote “The ratio of phospho-ATF2 (T52) to Actin immunereactivity was significantly reduced in the hippocampal lysates from PKC? null mice as compared to WT mice, suggesting that PKC? phosphorylates ATF2 at Thr52 in the hippocampus (Fig. 1b).” Why would the ratio of phospho-ATF2 (T52) to Actin immunereactivity be significantly reduced in the hippocampal lysates from PKC? null mice as compared to WT mice? (1 point)
In the progressive reduction of ATF2 after tGCI section of the results section the authors wrote “PKC? immunereactivity was gradually reduced in the hippocampus after tGCI (Fig. 2a).” Given what they wrote in the background section about the big picture role of PKC?, does this quote make sense? Yes or no? (1 point)
Quote something from the article that explains why the quote in question 7 does or does not make sense given what they wrote about the big picture role of PKC? in the background section of the paper. (1 point)
What did the authors say was responsible for the PKC? immunereactivity being gradually reduced in the hippocampus after tGCI? (1 point)
In the discussion section the authors wrote “Thus, inhibition of XPO1 may prove useful in reducing neurodegeneration in these neurological disorders, inducing cerebral ischemia.” What did the authors say can inhibit XPO1? (1 point)
In the conclusion section the authors wrote “This study shows that mitochondrial translocation of ATF2 is associated with neurodegeneration after global cerebral ischemia.” What did the authors say can stop neurodegeneration after global cerebral ischemia? (1 point)
Why does your answer to question 11 stop neurodegeneration? (1 point)
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