§A 3 page, properly-formatted, nutrition review paper using a minimum of 4 peer-reviewed/ scholarly research journal articles.
§An APA or MLA formatted bibliography page with a list of all the references used as cited within the paper.
§A copy of each of the article’s abstracts (or the complete articles) that you used in your paper.
I suggest setting up your literature review paper something like this:
1. Introduction Overview of the topic and general information about your topic & why your topic is important. Remember to not use 1st person in research writing. Avoid using a casual tone in your wording.
2. Body This part is where you write a summary, in your own words, about each of the articles. You can do a different paragraph for each article. I am just looking for an overall summary of what the research aimed to find out & what the results were. You need not go into much detail about the methodology (just the major things like what the parameters of the research were: i.e.how many participants; what was tested, etc.). Avoid sounding “biased” about the topic; avoid using a casual tone; & avoid using 1st person.
3. Conclusions: In this section you will want to give a “wrap-up” of what conclusions you have made about the topic based on your articles.
4. Include a BIBLIOGRAPHY/ Works Cited page Done in APA or MLA format
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