Through these reflection assignments, you will learn how to:
develop and clearly define your ideas through writing.
Express yourself through writing by posing questions, making original claims, and coherently structuring complex ideas.
This paper is designed to help you learn how to:
Critically evaluate the communication you encounter in health-related experiences.
Reflect on the ways to use communication to improve health, enhance healthcare, and/or promote behavior change.
Write about a health care encounter you have experienced as a patient, loved one, or a health professional. Identify at least three content-level and three relational-level messages in the encounter. How were the relational-level messages conveyed/communicated? What was the nature of the concern (biomedical, biopsychosocial, or sociocultural)? REFER TO THE BOOK: Communicating About Health Current Issues and Perspectives by Athena du Pre; Barbara Cook Overton
What role did culture and prior experience play in the encounter?
Were you most satisfied with the communication during the encounter? Why or Why not?
What lessons can you identify from your experience experience about the nature of health and health communication?
Tips for success:
Always use concepts from the reading to analyze and understand the experience you’re describing. This is beyond just describing, but it is about explaining why and how.
Below is a list of concepts you can and should reference when analyzing the health-related experience you’re writing about:
What is health?
The transactional model of communication.
The relational approach
social-ecological model
Health care models: biomedical, biopsychosocial, and sociocultural.
The influence of health communication on health.
Do not name drop concepts. Demonstrate understanding of concepts by explaining them in your words and stating how they inform your thinking.
Cite the textbook using APA format.
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