Media diary Template
Keep a track of your media consumption for 10 days.
What you are keeping track of:
1. Date- self explanatory
2. Time- time of day you consumed a particular media
3. Duration- how long you spend with it. You may check various websites several times a day. In this instance, you
can just give a total amount of time. For example, I checked 5 times yesterday, and spent 30
minutes viewing articles and watching clips.
4. Content- Record the content youre accessing- fictional novel, sit com, drama, music sports, etc.
5. Medium- What medium did you use? Internet (via phone or computer), TV, Radio, etc.
6. Who you were with- with friends, with family, by yourself?
7. Whether it was intentional or unintentional exposure. Coming home to watch a specific programme or movie
or TV channel would be intentional. Hearing music or programming while out at a coffee shop or in public place
may not be intentional
8. Description of media encounter & additional notes- Give a brief summary of your media encounter. For
example, watched a movie with friends at movie theatre, listened to music on mobile while riding the bus,
watched TV while falling asleep, etc.
9. Impact of the media on you- It can be I felt happy after watching my favorite programme or after listening to
the radio I learned new things, or my opinion changed on some world matters etc.
11/3/2924 11pm to
1 hour
I watch
and some
Use a
phone to
2 hour
I watch
because I
like to
I use the
laptop to
11am to
Who were
you with?
were you?
I watch
myself at
Description of media Impact on mood, encounter/additional behavior,
Sometimes I While I was watching I gain a lot of
intentionally the movie I was
information and
eating some fruits to lessons when
enjoy the movie
listening to stories,
and I feel happy and
entertained when I
watch movies
I watch
myself at
the hostil
I was watching the
intentionally series while I was
discussing with my
sister some of the
events of the series
to excite my sister to
watch the series
Seeing some series
helps me acquire
many languages
even if I do not speak
that language, as
well as spending this
time watching these
series makes me feel
luxurious and
11pm to
1 am
2 hour
I watched
a foreign
action and
I used TV
to watch
I watched
with my
at home
Sometimes I Because the movie
intentionally was action and a lot
of excitement and
enthusiasm we eat
some chips and cake
to enjoy the movie
I get very excited
because of the
fighting and action
and I am very
curious about what
will happen next.
And I feel enjoyment
7pm to
3 hour
I watched
a very
I use the
laptop to
I watch
with my
sister at
the hostil
Sometimes I Me and my sister ate
intentionally some fast food when
I like to watch
fictional series in
which there are
superpowers and
wide imagination. I
feel very happy and
enjoyable because
this particular type is
my favorite so much
1pm to
3 hour
I watched
a movie
that has
wisdom to
build a
I use the
laptop to
I watch
myself at
the hostil
Sometimes I Me and my sister
intentionally were discussing
some small projects
that we can succeed
in and be creative in
I always like to watch
this kind of
motivational film in
order to expand my
mind and get ideas
that change some of
my beliefs. I feel
great enjoyment and
enthusiasm to apply
what I understood
and learned
11pm to
12 am
1 hour
I watched
a Gulf
I used TV
to watch
I watch
myself at
the hostil
11pm to
12 am
1 hour
I watched
a Gulf
I used TV
to watch
I watched
my aunt
and I at
Sometimes I I was eating some
intentionally Ramadan meals
while I was watching
I like to watch some
series that are
shown in Ramadan,
but not all series.
This series is about a
comparison between
studying in the past
and now and what
are the pros and
cons. I enjoyed
watching a little bit
as well as spent free
Sometimes I I was recounting the I watched this
intentionally events to my aunt
Ramadan series
because she did not
suddenly, but I liked
watch Ramadan
the story of the
series before this day series and the events
of the series because
I like to watch series
that have a lesson
and stories that can
benefit the group
watching this series.
Example 1
Over a period of three days I was required to monitor the amount of media I consume on a daily basis.
By looking at the results I have realised that no matter where I may be I am constantly consuming
different mediums whether that be television, radio or the internet, it constantly surrounds me.
I believe that if someone was to look at my diary they wouldnt get the full picture of how I am as a
person. I do not think that the three days of monitoring define the person that I am. This is due to the
fact that on the other days I would perhaps look at the newspaper, go to the cinema and engage in
outdoor media rather than the indoor media that I consumed within the three days.
Although I have created a picture of what I usually do on a day to day basis, I believe that I could of
included other mediums such as walking past posters, billboards and so forth. We in society I feel are
immune to thinking that we are consuming media outdoors as it has become an everyday occurrence.
Often we do pay attention to posters, billboards and signs as I think we do this subconsciously.
In looking at my diary I have noticed that I spend a tremendous amount of time on social networks such
as Facebook, Twitter and also sending and receiving emails. I think this reflects me as a very sociable
person as I always want to keep in touch with the people I know. My diary also shows that I mostly
consume media whilst I am at home. I think this is due to the fact that throughout the day I am always
busy and out with friends or studying at university, even so I still am surrounded by media whether that
be listening to music or on the internet.
I was surprised at the amount of television I watch and the types of programmes I watch are mainly
soaps. I also listen to a lot of radio whilst travelling in the car and mainly to music shows. This represents
me very well as I have a huge passion for music and therefore I am constantly listening to it either on the
radio or on my iPod.
Example 2
Because I own an iPhone I am able to consume different types of media such as different types of
messengers to socialise with my friends, shopping, social networks etc. The iPhone has revolutionised
how we consume mediums as everything is available to us at a touch of a button. Therefore through one
object we are able to absorb many channels of media, this is common in many media objects in present
I compiled my media diary over the course of the 3 days as required covering the 3 main places that I
tend to consume various media, home, the office and in public spaces. The analysis and subsequent
conclusions I drew from looking at my personal use of the various forms of media also highlighted my
personal preferences, favoured medium and the length of time I spend on a particular medium.
After looking at the overall diary I came to the conclusion that it painted a fairly accurate picture of my
media consumption habits. The cycle is one I tend to replicate during the week and at similar times as
well. I am a great believer in non-linear consumption of media and I try and give myself the room to be
able to read, watch or listen to anything from anywhere at any time.
This was particularly evident in the wide range of mediums that are recorded in the diary.
Whether it is reading a book on my iPad or a news story on a website, my natural instinct is to gravitate
towards what I find most comfortable doing all these things from. So with that in mind I was quite
agreeable to the trends emanating from the analysis.
This then led me to ask myself the question how I got to build this consumption profile.
In my opinion the blurring of the lines between the different mediums has resulted in the dilution of the
strength of influence once held by the traditional platforms of TV, radio and print publications. The
single biggest proponent of this dilution is the Internet.
In analysing my diary I found that 6 of the 12 tasks I carried out where only possible due to the presence
of not only an internet connection, but a secondary stream of content that providers have decided to
structure specifically for the web. My preference for ease of access to information was catered for by
this medium.
The Steve Jobs story broke on Twitter. The major news networks only began reporting on it roughly an
hour later. This led me to the realisation not only has the Internet changed the way we consume media,
but it has also transformed news gathering techniques and may lead to a fastest-finger first type of news
reporting to gain exclusives.
The other conclusion I drew from my diary was the influence of commercialism on the media. The
presence of ubiquitous devices like laptops, tablets and smartphones means that content can now be
delivered to people not only in their homes, but to any place where any of those devices are present.
For the content providers, this allows them to package content and sell it as a product across multiple
markets and to audiences who would ordinarily be out of their reach.
For me the one theme that has emerged from this exercise is summarised by one word: CONVERGENCE.
In todays society we are surrounded by media everywhere even if we do not intentionally mean to
consume it, compared to many years ago where society would only have newspapers, posters and the
radio to keep them entertained. The world of media is rapidly ever evolving.
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