In the discussion board, copy, paste, then answer the questions listed in bold from the prompt below.
Prompt: Dr. Adkins recorded session covered leadership preferences of NAIA coaches, something that very few others have seen and that no one else had studied.
After viewing this class session, what was your biggest learning and why?
Dr. Adkins dissertation (and big part of her Ph.D. completion) was discussed and included a portion of the research she conducted but by far not all of it. Do you think this research missed something? Would it have impacted your sport experience if it had been completed sooner? Why/why not? Will this research impact your own leadership style in the future? How so/why not?
Although the research was based on a very large sample size, making it valid and reliable, students in the past have adamantly disagreed with the research. Do you agree with the findings? Explain your stance.
In our previous journal assignment, a question regarding coaches as teachers was asked. Although it wasnt covered in the recorded session, Dr. Adkins dissertation also covered this in great detail. What are your thoughts about coaches really being teachers?
Finally, researchers work to create change in their fields that has the potential to have a lasting impact on communities. For example, Alexander Fleming was the researcher and professor that invented penicillin, changing how doctors treat bacterial infection to this day. While Dr. Adkins work may not hold the same lasting impact on society, how should it be used in the future, and by whom?
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