Chapter Readings Reflections Journal
As you develop and move through this course it is important that you are able to reflect on, report and assess your learning throughout your educational journey, using weekly reflection papers. Your reflection journal is due at the end of weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8 during this course. All weekly reflection papers should be a minimum of two full pages of prose (for each chapter), double-spaced, in proper APA formatting using citations when appropriate. Please use Microsoft Word for all writing assignments.
Each Chapter Reading Reflection should address the following prompts:
Summarize the content of the chapter addressed.
What were some of the highlights in this chapter and learning opportunities?
Share some new ideas and/or thoughts that you developed from the reading of the chapter.
How do you think you can apply this chapters concepts into your home, school, personal-life or work environment?
Please make sure that you look at the example that is also attached!!
This assignment must be processed through Safe Assign.
All students are required to complete all assignments and discussions independently. Copying and sharing assignments are unacceptable. All assignments will be sent thought SAFE ASSIGN and you will receive an originality report. Any assignment with a high originality percentage will be tracked and matched within the database.
Acceptable good job.
Acceptable but focus further on developing your thoughts.
Unacceptable, your submission has a high percentage of plagiarism. There could be evidence of Academic Dishonesty.
Student Process for Academic Dishonesty Instances
First Offense 0 for the assignment
Second Offense 0 for the course
Third Offense 0 Dismissal from the University.
Attachments area
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