NUR3165 Miami Dade College Animal Therapy Literature Review Paper
Question Description
Literature Review (Group) (25%)
The purpose of this assignment is to retrieve a minimum of 5 nursing research publications based on an approved research problem. The goal is to be able to differentiate research from other types of publications, with a focus on recent, quantitative, nursing research. Minimum 3-4 page essay .Copies of 5 retrieved full”text publications are to be submitted with an accurately cited reference page formatted in APA style Abstract, intro body, conclusion, citations in text and references.. At least one of the authors on each article must be a nurse. Literature Review grading rubric provided by your professor will be used to evaluate this assignment. Any collective evidence or lack of participation from any group member needs to be reported ASAP to professor for student counseling and guidance.
1. Submission of 5 Nursing Research Publications 30%
a. Published articles are RESEARCH
b. Articles are from a quality peer”reviewed nursing journal
c. At least one of the lead authors of each article is a nurse
d. Minimum of 2 studies that were published in the past 5 years
e. Maximum of 1 qualitative study permitted
f. No meta”analyses or comprehensive reviews are permitted
g. Copy of full article is required, not just abstract
2. Literature Review Outline60%
a. Introduction provided that includes research question and databases used for search and concepts used for search. Major headings provided.
b. Summarize major findings of each study included under each major heading
c. At the end of each major heading, summarize similarities and differences.
2. Reference Page in APA format 10%
a. Running head
b. Page numbers
c. References heading
d. Correct spelling
e. Citations accurately referenced
f. One point deduction for each unique APA error
What is a Literature Review?
A literature review compiles and evaluates the research available on a certain topic or issue that you are researching and writing about.A typical writing process for a lit review follows the steps below:
Define Topic What are you looking to explore?
Research Question Your PICOT Question goes here
Research (find relevant sources) read and take notes of the main ideas or points, conclusions, strengths and weaknesses of the research
Analyze and evaluate Assess how each source relates to other research within the field.Group sources by themes, topic or methodology
Thesis statement Statement should contain the overarching focus for your literature review as well as the main supporting points you found in the literature.
Literature review Use an introduction, body, paragraph (s) and conclusion.Include summary, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.The lit review may be short or long
Summary of key research Example:
Evaluation and Analysis and Synthesis
Sample Literature Review (Short Version)
Thesis Statement: Service-learning programs implemented in American undergraduate universities since 2000 have not only proven beneficial for the individuals or organizations being served but also for the participating students by offering opportunities for academic, emotional, and social growth.
Prior studies have identified many benefits for educational institutions from service-learning programs. These benefits include positive perceptions of the university by the community (Miron & Moely, 2006), enhanced student retention rates (Eyler et al., 2001), positive teaching and learning outcomes such as greater student involvement and participation in class (Caruso et al., 2007), and increased opportunities for meaningful research and scholarly activities (Strand et al., 2003).
In this study and related research, the individuals serving are university students who are collaborating with the community partner. The studied benefits to individuals serving include cultural awareness sharing (Crabtree, 2008), as well as networking opportunities and application of classroom learning to real-world issues (Bowen et al., 2009). Ultimately, service-learning stimulates student learning and engages students in their surrounding communities. Service learning creates new goals for students such as personal development, career development, moral development, academic achievement, and “reflective civic participation” (Lamb et al., 1998). These types of projects allow students to utilize material learned in the classroom to improve societal conditions.
Integrating concepts and theories learned in the classroom with everyday life makes students more capable of highlighting the importance of each course. Additionally, material learned in business courses can be applied to benefit the community through a variety of tangible services, such as business planning or marketing new programs. Service learning is an excellent way for students to apply their course lessons to real-world situations and concurrently be
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