HIS 100 Theme 3: Learning Block 5-3 Historical Context Chart Rubric Prompt: To understand your event, you need to understand the world in which that the event took place. First, list your research topic and the revised research question you plan to address moving forward. Then, choose two secondary sources related to your research topic and provide the citation for each in the chart. You may use secondary sources from previous assignments. Next, explain in the chart what the source tells you about the historical context behind your topic. In the last chart column, explain how the context provided by the source will help you write your thesis statement, answering your research question. For this assignment, download and complete the Historical Context Chart.
1. Choose two secondary sources that discuss two historical events that influence your research topic 2. Next, explain in the chart how the event impacted the historical context of your research topic 3. Lastly, describe whether the events support your thesis statement
Guidelines for Submission: Fill out the Historical Context Chart and submit the completed chart to Brightspace for instructor grading and feedback.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Secondary Sources Includes the full citation of all chosen articles in the chart
Includes the citation of all chosen articles in the chart, but citation is incomplete or contains errors
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